教室紹介  -活け花教室-













島田南吹師範 大学にて日本文学専攻、日本文化についての造詣が深い。大手企業勤務時のアメリカ赴任数年を経た後草月流に入門、海外研修生のための地域交流プログラムにて講師を勤めるなど活躍中。2014年第96回草月いけばな展にて新人賞受賞。








The following information pertains to regular classes of IKEBANA-Traditional Japanese Flower Arrangement – by Nancy Shimada (SOGETSU teacher)


In this continuous class, you can learn the basics of IKEBANA with textbooks issued by SOGETSU.


<Lesson fee>

- 4,500 JPY per lesson (incl. flowers and taxes)

- Approx. 2 hours per lesson (incl. clean-up time)



- Will be decided consultation base.

- Please feel free to contact me.



- Please feel free to e-mail me at nancyisland7@gmail.com or call 03-3280-1227 (Please leave your message in English. I will return your call as soon as possible)

- In cases of cancellation, please contact me at least 7 days before the lesson. Please note that a fee will be required for cancels within 48 hours.


<Profile of Nancy Shimada>

島田南吹師範 My major in university was Japanese literature. I joined a SOGETSU IKEBANA group after an international assignment in the U.S.A for a Japanese company. I’m now playing active part in the introduction of Japanese culture, especially IKEBANA. I have worked as a teacher for exchange programs for overseas trainees. At the 96 th SOGETSU flower arrangement exhibition in 2014, I was awarded with the “New comers Award”.